
Environmental Policy - Antigua GREEN TEAM 

Antigua cares about the environment. In 2008 employees advocating small changes for a better environment formed the Antigua Green Team. The team was composed of ten members to brainstorm new and useful ideas to help reuse, reduce and recycle.

Since then, ongoing projects include educating all 300 Antigua employees on what designates a recyclable and supplying each employee or area with a recycle bin. Antigua also participates in the Maricopa County Trip Reduction Program, offering monthly and annual incentives to employees that car pool or use alternative means of transportation to get to work. In addition, since 2009 Antigua catalogs have been printed on 10% recycled paper and have been produced with FSC certified printers.

As of January 2015, Antigua has recycled 157,260 tons of cardboard, plastic and paper. Our recycling partner estimates that this effort saved 2,673 trees, 644,766 gallons of water, 1,100,820 kilowatt-hours of electricity and 518 yards of landfill space. The Antigua Green Team continues to research more ways to help our environment.